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Planning Board Minutes 07/14/08
Public Meeting @ 4:30 p.m.
Monday, July 14, 2008

Present:  Janet Weidner, Chairwoman; PersonNameRussell Walton, Richard Osnoss, Mitchell Posin,
               PersonNameTim Lasker, John Flender and PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant
Absent:   William Meegan
Guests:    J.B.Riggs Parker, PersonNameDiane Emin, Joan Jenkinson, Katy Plasse and Stephen Hammond

Call To Order
Ms.Weidner, Chairperson, opened the meeting at 4:32 p.m.

Meeting Minutes
The Board reviewed the meeting minutes of June 23, 2008.  Mr. Posin made a motion, Mr. Walton seconded and the Board voted to approve the meeting minutes as amended.  

Middle addressStreetLine Road Easement / Road Association Agreement
Riggs Parker presented the Board with the legal document entitled Grant of Cross-Easements, Utility Rights, Agreement of Association and Bylaws of the Middle Line Road Association.  
Mr. Parker discussed the purpose of this document and outlined the four components.  This document establishes a road association of which all parties using addressStreetMiddle Line Road to access a dwelling on their property will be members.  Mr. Parker outlined in detail the road easements along addressStreetMiddle Line Road from Fannie's Way to addressStreetTabor House Road.  This gives property owners legal right to travel the road.   Concerning the association membership dues, Mr. Flender asked if there were a house and guest house on the property, would that parcel pay two shares into the association.  Mr. Parker stated that this document is a draft that is being distributed to all parties for review and for collection of comments/questions.  Mr. Parker will forward all feedback to counsel.  Ms. Emin asked why is the easement agreement and the road association tied together in one document?  Mr. Parker responded that for filing purposes this ensures that all information pertaining to addressStreetMiddle Line Road stays together.  Ms. Emin asked that Mr. Parker consider revising language in the agreement that would give the association a say in the decision process and not have the Clerk of the Association have all control.  Ms. Emin also clarified that the Town will own the Fire Tank but the members of the association are responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Fire Tank.  With no other questions or comments from the public and the Board, Ms.Weidner, stated that the Board will review the document and provide comments to Mr. Parker in a timely manner.  The Board thanked all parties for their attendance and input.

Wind Turbines
Chairwoman Weidner led the discussion by summarizing the events leading up to this meeting, which included a memo request from the Board of Selectmen asking the Planning Board to consider amending the windmill bylaw.  In response, the Board scheduled site visits to the
existing wind turbines for observation and has also contacted PersonNameGary Harcourt, Great Rock Wind Power, for wind maps and wind turbine data.  The Board discussed the major issues involved with wind turbines which are noise, visibility, notification of abutters (how far), type of structure (blades and height), property lines and setbacks, maintenance and inspections and the approval process.  These concerns need to be addressed in the bylaw amendment.  Mr. Parker asked the Board to consider a combined permitting Board to review windmill applications, similar to the Board established in the Wireless Communications bylaw amendment.  The Board will continue to research other Town's Bylaws, explore a noise decibel limit, and investigate the costs associated with erecting a temporary pole for visibility assessment.   The Board will continue discussions at the July 28, 2008 meeting.

Youth Lot Informal Discussion
Katy Plasse began the informal discussion by introducing herself and by stating that her Grandmother-in-law, Ms. Thelma Cossutta, would like to provide a youth lot to Ms. Plasse.  
Ms. Cossutta owns a 7.1-acre parcel off addressStreetMiddle Road that has a main house, detached garage and guesthouse already built on the property.  Ms. Plasse discussed a subdivision plan that would draw lot lines around the existing guesthouse, abiding by all setback requirements in the Zoning Bylaws.  This suggested subdivision plan would create a 1-acre parcel and a 6.1-acre parcel.   The Planning Board advised Ms. Plasse that Ms. Cossutta needs to clarify if the proposed 1-acre lot is a Youth Lot or a Homesite Lot.  Then  Ms. Plasse would need to qualify for the appropriate affordable housing program, hire a surveyor to draw up the final subdivision plan, come before the Planning Board for final review and then go before the Zoning Board of Appeals for approval.

Master Plan Survey
Christina distributed the final draft of the Master Plan Update Survey for the members to review.  The Board asked Christina to contact the printers and get a price quote for printing the survey.

The next Planning Board meeting is on August 11, 2008 at @ 4:30 pm.

There was no other business.  Ms. Weidner adjourned at 6:36 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted by PersonNameChristina Soulagnet, Administrative Assistant.